
Monday 30 March 2015

Pls Beware of these kind of people!


Oh yeah, they are everywhere!
We all come across them in life. Often times we misjudge them, more often we sense them, sometimes we recognize them, we try avoiding them but they keep up popping like mushrooms on wet grounds.

There are three kinds of people in the world.
The first ones are not the good ones. They are bad and others also know that they are not good. Second kind is of good people. They are not bad and others also know that they are good. And then there is this third kind...the worst kind..the ones who are not good but others think they are good. These are the hypocrite people.

Unfortunately the world is full of hypocrites. It is much easier to deal with the bad people than the hypocrites because with bad people, they are known to be bad and everyone can openly consider the options and take measures. The hypocrites, on the other hand, come across as good. They try to appear sincere but are back stabbers in reality. They are the worst kind of bad people because they betray trust, the most precious sentiment in life.

It is extremely difficult to handle hypocrites because they talk sweet and act nice. They attack from behind and rarely leave tracks. They manipulate and use others for their purposes. They bide their time, hide their true selves and sugar coat every poisonous arrow. They plot their moves and are usually popular among crowds because they change easily. They are not truthful, they lie and alter themselves to fit in with others.They are selfish but they don't show it. They win trusts and friendships by putting on disguises according to situations. They are usually successful because they study people and know the human psychology. They make lots of friends but are not sincere to any but themselves. 

They can be our relatives, friends or colleagues. No matter in what relationship they appear, they make life miserable for someone who comes in their way. They target certain people. Since they are generally popular among crowds and usually don't leave evidence, it's very difficult for their victims to prove their involvement. The hypocrites enjoy the suffering of their targets.

A while ago, some people came into my life who made it very very difficult for me. I tried everything I could to win them over but to no avail. I would pray hour after hour that God would soften their hearts towards me and make them love me. 

The problem was that I could not understand what exactly was the problem! In company these people would be all sweet and friendly but acted rudely in solitude. In the beginning I thought that I was mistaken but over time I noticed all the back stabbing. I realized their hypocrisy but still gave them benefit of the doubt. Its very difficult for me to accept a bad in a person. All I see and want to see is the good in a human. Thus, although I could sense what they were doing to harm me, I still could not bring myself up to face it. 

I felt like I needed to win them over. I tried to please them. For a short time, they would stop their antics but after a while the games would start again. Once again, I would face back biting, back stabbing and hurdles put in my ways which would hurt me deeply. Bewildered and confused over their reasons for hurting me, I would increase my efforts to please them....before I knew it, it became a cycle! My silence emboldened them. They took it for my weakness. My life became very difficult. It was just between them and me. My other family members were effected but not directly. I was the main target and it stabbed my heart not knowing why! 
I remember how I used to cry for long hours. I remember invoking God's help, asking Him to change them, to change their hearts. I did whatever I could think of to please them but to no avail, till I realized that they would never change. I would not go into details but God showed me that there are people who would make your life miserable at all costs and the only way out would be to weed such people out of your life. You can waste all your energies on them but they would never change.

Forewarned is to be forearmed.

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